Sunday, January 2, 2011

Happy New Year!

We started our New Years celebration with a family day.  First, Daddy joined us at library story time - our favorite activity!

Then we went to Phipps Conservatory to see the holiday plants, Christmas trees and lights, and trains. Hunter liked smelling all the flowers, touching the trees and seeing all the beautiful colors.  And he loved watching the trains go by!

Sitting on Santa's chair

Check out those fishes!!

Silly fishes

And then to top off our fun weekend, Uncle Chad came to celebrate New Years!  Hooray!  And we all got to play in the park in the 50 degree weather.

I love being outside when its warm!

Watching the games with the guys

What is this you are drinking?

Ahhh, beer and a remote control - what more do boys need?

You guys don't mind if I check the score on another game, do you?

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