Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day!

Hunter had a really fun week - he played with his friends, he went to the park and he tried lots of new foods!  And Mommy had the most wonderful Mother's Day weekend - thanks to Daddy and the boys!

Hunter's first bagel with a shmear!  

Making out with the window (this is a favorite activity)

Its fun - but the window doesn't really give much back

Back at the window

You lookin' at me?

'Cause I'm lookin' at you!

Daddy's bottle break with the boys

Trip to the May market (in the rain!)

MMMM - cracker with jelly...but the best is yet to come...

OK - what is this special lunch you guys are talking about?


More please!

Mother's Day morning - Mommy's little man helped her open her presents...but he just wanted some presents of his own!

Anything for me over here?

Mother's Day picnic in the park....the happiest day!

Hudson didn't love the picnic (although he did steal an enormous slice of prosciutto) and just wanted to hide under the blanket to cool off

I just want to crawl in this grass and get my knees nice and dirty!

Gorgeous Mother's Day flowers from the boys

Hunter's first ice cream!

Not sure....

....yeah, its good

Lickin' his lips

Brushing his teeth before bed

Posing in Mommy's favorite Grover pj's....look at that tush!

Sleepy boy (and Mommy!) after a beautiful Mother's Day

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Feeling Green

Hunter was feeling green - literally and figuratively - this week!  We started off a little sick - but by the weekend he was outside enjoying the spring weather - in a few green outfits.

Enjoying a cold refreshment on the lawn with Daddy

How do I get to the water?

When Hunter attacks...

Ripping Daddy's face off while gazing at a tree

Ma!! Why are you always kissing me?!

Tunnel explorer!

Wow this is a fun tunnel

Coming out...

...going back in

Drinking and smirking

Big boy with his bottle

Grandma Susan taught Hunter the word "green" this week to describe the trees, the grass, his pants, his onesie, and more.  But one word really stuck with him!  He loves looking out of the windows at the birds.  (This video was taken after dinner - dessert was blackberries.)

He's also having a fun time pushing his toys so he can walk