Sunday, April 24, 2011

Hunter's First Passover

We traveled to Long Island to celebrate Passover.  Hunter also got to go to a surprise party for Grandma Sherri and Grandpa Mitchel for their 60th birthdays - and we got to visit his special aunts and uncles in New York City!

All dressed up - but shhhhh - its still a surprise!

Hanging out with Uncle Dan

You know what the say - never work with kids and animals

There we go - much easier to get a family shot when its just one kid

Having dinner at the party!

Mike, Tara and Mikey were there to celebrate

Hunter's cousin Austin was partying too - sitting with Hunter's Great-Aunt (and Austin's Grandma) Joan and proud parents Jodi and Keith

We got to see cousins Ben, Dylan, Melanie and Brett and Great-Uncle Jeff

Great Grandma Arline wouldn't miss her chance for an ice cream cone

Grandpa Mitchel blowing out his candles

Grandma Sherri multi-tasking

Hunter went to brunch and did some Manhattan shopping with his aunties

Love my Aunt Lesley

Uncle Gar and Uncle Chad hung out too

Celebrating his first Passover with Great Grandma Arline

AHH!  Now everyone's going to know I was eating a bagel on Passover

This remote is way more exciting than a seder

See, I told you it was pretty cool

Hunter participating in seder

I eat the plate, right?  What?  You said no bread.

Everyone at the table together

Busy Nine Month Old Boy!

Here are some photos from the first week of April.  We've been so busy traveling and playing, its been hard to find time to update!  But we'll start making up for lost time....

Hunter's Nine Month Photo Shoot - Take 1

Ma! I gotta see what's going on outside - I don't have time for pictures.

Ok - fine.  Just this one.

OMG.  I can't WAIT to get in that bath.

Are those bubbles?  Do I see bubbles?

Almost ready!

I'm going in there right?

Ok seriously, how many pictures of my tush do you need to take?

YAY!  I am in the bath!

I love bubbles

Here I come!

Hunter's Nine Month Photo Shoot - Take 2

I am outta here!

I told you before, I don't have time for photo shoots

Looking out the window with my buddy Cara

Woah!!!! I might have actually made this thing play a different song!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Hunter's First Trip (of many) to Hilton Head!

We went to Hilton Head (along with Grandma Susan and Grandpa John) March 24th through the 30th.  We had a great family trip!

Seeing the ocean for the first time!

Feeling the ocean for the first time!

This stuff feels weird

And its strange to crawl around in

Fell face first in the sand! Woah!!

Getting the hang of this sand thing

Ewwwwww - but it doesn't taste so good!

Silly Grandpa in a wet suit

Banging on his head is fun

Mmmmm french fries on the beach

Jordan attempts to take a picture with his boys

Hunter's going to be their caddy

Visiting the horses - and a little unsure at first!

Then he smiled

Woah - where do you think you're going horsie?!

Playground with Daddy

You guys coming along on this voyage?

Land ho!

Putting green at Habour Town golf course

One day, he'll play with Daddy